Can Doctors Face Drug Charges for Prescriptions?
July 24, 2020
Several studies have shown that the war on drugs did not succeed. During the years it remained alive, law enforcement primarily targeted minorities and people of color for drug raids and arrests. However, as the opioid crisis only continues to grow, researchers, lawmakers and social scientists took a step back to re-evaluate.
Observations uncovered that the health field played a big role in the opioid drug trade from start to finish. If law enforcement believes that you abused your influence as a doctor to prescribe opioids to someone who did not need them, you might face drug charges related to this.
The Medical Dilemma
A study published by the U.S. National Library of Medicine examined the dilemma many doctors face. On the one hand, good doctors want to help people in pain get better and feel better. However, many fear the effects of accusations related to over-prescribing pain killers that patients often beg for to relieve their sufferings.
Potential Negative Consequences
Addiction to prescription drugs plays a big role in the opioid crisis. Not every person first encountered prescription drugs while receiving treatment, but many do. Morphine, for instance, is one drug that has a high addiction rate even when used carefully to treat patients. When patients bring prescription drugs home with them, the risk of other people accessing those drugs and becoming addicted arises.
There are also several cases emerging of physicians who allegedly acted in ways that deliberately put patients at harm, such as trading drugs for sex from addicts. Most doctors, however, come to the medical field with good intentions and maintain this throughout their careers. These doctors might still face accusations, on occasion, but it becomes much easier for them to clear their names and resume their work.