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Driver’s License Attorneys in Clearwater, Florida

Protecting Your Driver’s License

Having your license suspended or revoked can have serious ramifications and consequences. Without a valid driver’s license, getting to and from work, buying groceries, and conducting other important business can prove to be impossible. At Hoskins & Penton, we have helped hundreds of clients in Clearwater and throughout Florida. We hope to help you, too.

Addressing And Reversing Charges

There can be many different reasons as to why a person may have their driver’s license suspended.

In many cases, it involves prior fines or traffic tickets that have gone unpaid, resulting in suspension notices. If the individual has moved to a new address, or for some other reason has not received the notices, they can end up being pulled over, unaware of their revoked driver’s license.

License Suspended or Revoked?

Drug charges almost always result in a license suspension. Also, if you are pulled over for driving without a license, you could be facing a felony, which is much more serious.

We have more than 50 years’ combined experience helping clients reinstate their driver’s licenses. If you have a suspended driver’s license and need immediate legal help and advice, contact our office today for a free consultation regarding criminal defense and injury cases.

Getting Your License Reinstated

In cases where an individual’s license is suspended or revoked because of a DUI conviction or another conviction, we take appropriate steps to resolve the cause of the suspension and get the license reinstated. When dealing with a client whose license is suspended for being a habitual traffic offender, we investigate the cause and are, on occasion, able to correct and reverse the suspension. We provide experienced legal guidance throughout the process, ensuring that our clients do everything necessary to get their license.

Contact Us For License Reinstatement Or A Revoked Driver’s License

Everyone needs to drive, and we can help you get those rights back. You can reach us by phone or online.